「広島・長崎被曝者データの再分析」岩波書店「科学」2015年9月号掲載 サポートページ
LSS(Life Span Study) 13報 被爆者データの Rによる分析
LSS14データ ダウンロードページ
“The full power of the regression approach to
case-control studies is obtained when continuous risk variables are analyzed in
the original form in which they were recorded, rather than by grouping into
intervals whose endpoints are often arbitrarily chosen.(Breslow and Day
Crick, Malcolm (2011), "Unscear: The Scientific
Basis for Icrp’s Work," in First ICRP Symposium on the International
System of Radiological Protection Vol. 24 October 2011. Bethesda, USA: http://www.icrp.org/docs/Malcolm Crick Scientific Basic for ICRP
UNSCEAR (2006), "Unscear 2006 Report Volume I
Effects of Ionizing Radiation : Annex A: Epidemiological Studies of Radiation
and Cancer."
---- (2011), UNSCEAR 2010 Report: Summary of Low-Dose
Radiation Effects on Health: http://www.unscear.org/docs/reports/2010/UNSCEAR_2010_Report_M.pdf
---- (2014), UNSCEAR 2012 Report "Sources,
Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation" Scientific Annex B: Uncertainties
in Risk Estimates for Radiation-Induced Cancer: http://www.unscear.org/docs/reports/2012/UNSCEAR2012Report_AnnexB_Uncertainty_AdvanceCopy.pdf
WHO (2013), "Health Risk Assessment from the
Nuclear Accident after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, Based
on a Preliminary Dose Estimation," http://www.who.int/ionizing_radiation/pub_meet/fukushima_risk_assessment_2013/en/index.html
WHO(2013)では、このアブストラクトが、ほぼそのまま引用されている。“In the latest LSS solid
cancer incidence analysis, a statistically significant dose-response was seen
when analysis were limited to cohort members with doses of 0.15 Gy or less (70).
The threshold model did not fit better than a linear non-threshold model (LNT).
Within the latest LSS cancer mortality analysis, the estimated lowest dose
range with a significant ERR for all solid cancers was 0–0.2 Gy, and the
analysis indicated no threshold (19).This is consistent with the concept
that there is weak evidence for a threshold at any dose meaningful to
radiological protection. WHO(2013,p.125)”
小笹氏はLSS14について、下記のように解説している。「今このモデルが有意になるということは、1Gy、2Gy、3Gyという高線量域での量反応関係が極めて確実であるということに基づくものでありまして、この低線量域での不確実性を含んでいるわけではないということにご留意をいただきたいというところでございます。東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故に伴う住民の健康管理のあり方に関する専門家会議 第6回議事録 https://www.env.go.jp/chemi/rhm/conf/conf01-06b.html」」
米国エネルギー省 Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data
Resource (CEDR)
HFMULA02 - Combined Mortality Data Study on Workers at the Hanford
Site, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Rocky Flats, Nuclear Weapons Plant